New Hug High School Tech Set up

New Hug High School Technology Set Up – Summer 22


In August 2022 the new Proctor Hug High School was opened. The new school replaced the old Hug High School and all of the technology in the new school was brand new. With all of the technology at this brand new high school a lot of work was put in over the summer to ensure that everything was ready in time for the school’s opening. 

Old Hug High School – E-waste Removal

Prior to work being completed at the new Hug High School, all of IT User Services gathered at the old Hugh High School to remove the the old technology form the school. We had initially estimated that this part of the project would take us about three days to complete however, we managed to remove all of the tech from the school in one day!

Our work in removing the old technology consisted of identifying and sorting through devices in all of the classrooms at the school. If devices were to old to support or no longer functioned they were identified as e-waste and placed on pallets to be removed from the school. Devices that were still functional and still supported were identified to be redistributed at other sites that needed newer technology.

New Hug High School – Technology Set Up

Once work was completed at the old school and we were given the okay to head over to the new high school. 

When we arrived at the school most of the technology was still in boxes with exceptions for the smart TVs and Smart Panels. The work that was completed by our team in User Services included the following: 

  • Deploying and configuring Airtame wireless casting devices.
  • Creating IP reservations for Airtames as well as the smart panels in the school.
  • Deploying network printers as well as creating network reservations for them.
  • Wiring laptop carts.
  • Assigning and deploying student laptops in carts.
  • Creating initial tech inventory for the school.

Of the tasks mentioned above, the first two, were the only ones completed as part of a group of 12 techs. The new school has three floors so we split up into three teams of four to tackle the deployment of the Airtame devices and adding network reservations for the devices.

The remaining tasks of deploying and networking printers, wiring carts, deploying student laptops, and creating an inventory were tackled by myself and Hug’s 1:1 IT tech that would start at a later date. 

Of the tasks listed, we started by networking and inventorying the location of the network printers since staff were scheduled to be back before students and this was going to be a top request. Initially, centralized printers were added but eventually we worked our way to adding all network printers to be available for staff to use.

After the printers were set up, the next burning priority was to set up the laptop carts and assign laptops to the carts so they could be checked out to classrooms. This was a massive undertaking that also required the assistance of volunteer staff members at the school to complete. Over the summer there was not enough carts for all of the student laptops so this task ended up bleeding into the first month of the school being opened.

All of the tasks that were completed above required detailed documentation. With this being a brand new school, inventory was built from scratch including compiling lists of devices and where they are located as well as managing assignments of devices in the schools inventory tracking system.

Ultimately, all of the school’s technology was successfully deployed and it was a fun experience being a part of this project knowing what the new school means for the community!